
To make sure there is something to eat for these horses and dogs who agree not to be people

I talked yesterday about the value of the mine for the classification of the owner of the gold mine or factory, but here it is precisely about the dollars that are with these people over a period of one hundred days. It could also be a retiree or someone else. This will be the beginning of the classification. Then this factory already supplies this city, which is this pyramid, and there are these different living spaces and people there give their life units to these creators of these living spaces. It could be some tool and it could be food.

Zrzut ekranu (4933)

Such a tool is used more times and food is consumed faster, but it depends on the investors or, in other words, the creators of the things that are located in a given living space, i.e. a place where people stay for some time and devote their lives in this way . This is a system of life and the point is for this man to get up from Irena’s chair and stop drinking vodka and start living, and his life may be meeting a woman and living with her, i.e. being with her for some time in some space. A man has a factory and this factory produces something and there are people employed in this factory and I take it all and classify these people and they continue to produce and this production also goes to the pyramid and in addition to these dollars they also receive these units of life from the pyramid and we convert it into dollars at the beginning and this way they earn more and are classified higher.

Zrzut ekranu (4934)

This can be further analyzed and they can have these dollars and units of life and they can already be in the pyramid or outside the pyramid in these objects of God’s Paradise on Earth. All this is not so important at the beginning and even later, because I have a strong system and in this system I can afford to give someone something for free. My system will not collapse like communism or capitalism, where the owner has a factory and can go bankrupt very easily. They have all raised the price of mineral water by one cent here at the moment and there is no competition and no development here. They produce something and they want to stand still, at the same level, without any development. There is no stadium, apart from the one with football and this fiction, and nothing is improving.

Zrzut ekranu (4932)

The slaves are supplied with food and vodka and this stadium with this football match is maintained. This is how the slave has to wait for death and he goes to church and the church is there so that there will be no evolution in this system and there can only be a strike. After this strike, these people get one cent more and this is how everything is done and the idea is to maintain this condition at all costs of one cent and to make sure there is something to eat for these horses and dogs who agree not to be people in this hell. It was like that in communism, before its fall, but it finally collapsed. I have no intention of waiting for capitalism to collapse on its own. He needs to be helped to fall. You have to push it or drink it with vodka and it will fall over on its own.

Zrzut ekranu (4931)

The media must help me debunk this. I showed who can do it in England. Then we will quickly overthrow it together around the world and I will take over the whole world and make my system strong. It is not so important that we first assume some life values ​​for these people in the classification. The important thing is that some lose and others gain this life. It all goes up in this pyramid of mine. It’s like a Christmas tree. It doesn’t stand still like a carousel. We will change everything there in the God System. It doesn’t spin like a clock. A person doesn’t have to be a slave and go to the same job and sit in the same chair as Irena with a bottle of vodka until he dies and then they take him to a coffin and people think that he goes to paradise after death because he did so much in it.

Zrzut ekranu (4924)

Hell in Poland and throughout communism after the fall of this system. Before that, he won’t get up from that chair because he’s still drunk, like at that supper, at that den in Israel where Jesus was sold, and that den is against God. This, for example, will start with people having units of life, i.e. these dollars in the account, and we will start transferring these dollars from one account to another. It will involve someone giving something to someone, and this is what Jesus talked about. This is a bit similar to what happens in capitalism, where it is selling a product, i.e. some exchange with the element of dollars. You give something to someone and you take something from someone in return. Here I take these dollars and give them to this producer.

Zrzut ekranu (4922)

There is no trade here, which Jesus hated. Capitalism is trying to find its drunken balance and it is simply a market, that is, what Jesus saw somewhere there and he was knocking over the stalls of these Jews and he didn’t like this trade in the house of God very much. What am I introducing here instead of this trade? A person does something for this library and others come and take it without dollars and have it in some time. They do what they can choose to live, the best, at their level of life, and it won’t be a bottle of vodka. While they have it, I take life units from their account and I transfer those dollars to the account of the creator of this thing, which is this book that they took from the library.

Zrzut ekranu (4925)

What is it exactly? It’s not like he paid for this book with dollars and took it to his doghouse in capitalism and it lies there and the garbage cans are full of sweat and the ground is covered with concrete and it goes to a large garbage dump somewhere. This is God’s library and lending. The man pays, in this period, by giving his life, while the man is with this thing. Then the person returns it to where he got it from and gets another book and those dollars go to another account. Throughout my life, I take these dollars from this account and this man cannot sit in a chair in this Polish death camp, in a prison with four walls, and drink vodka, because he is losing his life, which he has in the vast space of this Paradise of God in Earth and not just a garden with apple trees.

Zrzut ekranu (4923)

At the same time, this man has his hands and he has to produce for others in order to get these dollars again, into his account, and thus maintain a certain level and not drown. This man must learn to swim well in this pool that we will make in God’s Paradise on Earth. Ideally, he would swim and enjoy it. People look at him like they look at football players in the stadium. This man has these jobs combined with his pleasure in life. These are analyzes that I do not intend to show here. This can be shown by the example of someone who dances and someone who sings. He likes to do it and he does it in this capitalism and then he dies quickly of cancer because we see that this system of hell cannot use what will be accepted for the Paradise of God and these songs and this dance will be different there than this, what we see in hell. This is why Bob Marley dies of cancer at the age of thirty.

Zrzut ekranu (4921)

It cannot be that people are sick and disabled and unhappy and Angelina Jolie comes out and says that God gave her a beautiful life in this paradise in the USA. Angelina has these dollars from these unfortunate people who see this dream, in this video, and they think they are alive. But Angelina also thinks she’s alive. Then this vodka and then this fiction and this hell, which for Trump is a paradise with this black devil as the American god to which these black women sing, in this black church in the USA. For this, they are punished by God and these actors then die of cancer. I am clearly saying here that in my system, i.e. in God’s Paradise on Earth, this person will not be punished in this way, because what I am doing is a paradise for all people, not only a paradise for those who took something from others and these others do not they have nothing.

Zrzut ekranu (4927)

You have to find a balance and capitalism does not find this balance. Here I show the balance that should be adopted and that is giving this life to people who have given something to other people. This is what Jesus said about giving to others and not taking dollars from them. But Jesus only had a signal of what I had done here and Jesus did not understand that it would be on Earth. Jesus showed the drinking system as in the den of these Jews in Poland, where now there is a brothel for blacks and Arabs and these Polish Jewish women give birth to Jewish Arabs. The creator of this system, a dog taken from the street by General Jaruzelski, to the theater for the USA, sits in this chair from Irena and waits for paradise after death.

Zrzut ekranu (4926)

There will be no paradise after death for this man who was a dog and remains a dog, but will go to Siberia for treatment. For this misunderstanding of God, Jesus was crucified by God. Similarly, what is in the USA does not qualify Angelina or Trump and other people for paradise after death and let them think about hell after death. This is not the same as Bob Marley, because they are not in this musical trance and this musical paradise in this hell, where black people sing best and we see that they are not dying of cancer, because they already look like they are in hell and they they are marked and they don’t want that and their life is already hell in a sense, because they want to be white and they want to have what white people have.

Zrzut ekranu (4928)

They will go to Africa and there will be a place for them made by God for big penises and I am God for them. We see here that these people are unhappy and they demand a different life from white people and from God, and they will get this life from me in Africa. Singing these songs in churches will do them no good. The Bible was written by drunkards who sold Jesus. I will burn, like Hitler burned the books of various people looking for something in this capitalism, like France was looking for and found impressionism and other cubisms, and this is hell, everything and the search for a way out, and France doesn’t understand this, and the French pig is burning the unnecessary Notre Dame Cathedral and locking itself in four walls and drinks French wine from Angelina and her address is not on the Internet and the pig wants to sit in this chair like Wałęsa and waits calmly for God.

Zrzut ekranu (4920)

The pig started the French Revolution and unleashed hell in France and around the world. Napoleon probably wanted to stop it, but he failed. The French pig appreciates Wałęsa very much for this theater of General Jaruzelski and for this capitalism in communism with this brothel for Arabs and these Jewish children made by Arabs and black Arabs. Arabian horses freed from Islam do whatever they want in Europe. Arabian horses have their paradise in Europe with this capitalist freedom, where no one can control this herd, and yet we have cowboys in Texas and the USA. I, as God, will master all this, because I am also a cowboy.

Zrzut ekranu (4929)

Man is doing something in paradise on Earth and this is this book. A person lost some time doing this work and then regains the life lost from the person who reads this book and it is best if the former writes quickly and the latter reads it for a long time. But these are analyzes not for this lecture. A person is cheated in capitalism because he has nothing and he goes to see a movie or buys a bottle of vodka and watches this program with the Cardashian family. They have dollars and so it goes to the whole USA and these black people there have this anti-racism and are blessed for fucking these white Jewish women in the USA with these big penises placed on monuments like US heroes next to Lincoln and other heroes. In this way, with such advertising, there are already more blacks than whites in the USA. Kendall’s father didn’t fit the program and had to turn into a woman with a penis.

Zrzut ekranu (4937)

Even though he was a woman, he was expelled from this program by his wife, who runs this anti-racism. His place was taken by a black man with a penis larger than Jenner’s, because Jenner is white and not of that race. I don’t know what’s going on with him, because I haven’t seen Jenner’s penis in the photos, but we will do tests in the US for everyone and we will know the dimensions of everyone in the US. We will match races and match penises to the size of women’s vaginas. The sword must fit the scabbard. Otherwise the vagina is torn and this is not love and this is a woman’s scream and I showed it and this is against God. Either way, Jenner can show it as others have shown and thus confirm that God is right in this analysis. God for Jenner is me, not the black devil shown by Polanski. Enough about hell and let’s get back to the topic of this lecture, which is determining the value of this factory owner.

Zrzut ekranu (4941)

I was talking about the valuation of the factory, but what is more important here is how many dollars this owner has in a hundred days. On this basis, I classify him and send him to the appropriate floor, with the standard of living. I have already shown that I divided it in this decimal system. On each floor above you need to have ten times as many dollars as on the floor below. There is zero on the ground floor. There’s a hundred dollars on the first floor. there’s a thousand dollars on the second floor and that’s how it goes up. I am sending this factory owner to this floor with the standard of living. I take those dollars from his account all the time. These dollars are coming into his account again, because he has this factory, but he lives in my pyramid.

Zrzut ekranu (4940)

The slaves keep working and I don’t care. If they want to work there and the owner pays them and it suits them, I don’t care because it’s not mine. If it’s mine, then I change these rules. I classify all these people in this factory and they have life values and they work in this factory and this is a living space. I, from them, take the dollars that are in their account. I take the dollars that are in their account and these dollars go to the factory owner’s account and he can do nothing and be in this factory or be in my pyramid. If he is in the factory, he has nothing to lose. He has this factory space and there are people there and from these people he gets the dollars taken from these people’s accounts. Whether this will be enough for him and whether it will be more than under capitalism, I don’t know and that’s his business.

Zrzut ekranu (4938)

These products from this factory go to a supermarket somewhere and these dollars go to those people who work in this factory and have these life values, i.e. on this basis they have shares in the products that they produce together. The owner of the factory doesn’t work and he doesn’t care how these people make those dollars for them. This manufacturer can sit on a chair and have the dollars go into his account if there are people in the factory. It’s probably better than he currently has under capitalism, he won’t go bankrupt and doesn’t have to worry about anything. It’s better than in communism, where Lenin took these factories from these Jews and took away their tenement houses and expelled them all to Israel from this Polish death camp and some Polish pig is writing to me telling me not to call Poland that because he doesn’t like it and that it was a German death camp.

Zrzut ekranu (4939)

After all, this is all in Poland! You Polish fool, from that wedding at Wyspiański’s. Plus this brothel for Arabs and black Arab horses with big penises. This Pole wants only good advertising for this country of Polish pigs, which have now reached the trough in Poland. After all, Kaczyński’s parents were Polish pigs from the Home Army, which attacked the Germans from behind, and that’s why the name is German, Polish pigs. I have these people in this factory on my computer. The computer gives them these dollars for production and these dollars come from this mineral water, which has gone up in price by one cent.

Zrzut ekranu (4942)

It may be that it will be less than the factory owner gave them and they have to think where to give it and maybe they even have to sell the water at a higher price. But that is not the topic of this lecture. This is the transition from capitalism to the God System on Earth. I will not analyze it further, but only here I will show that these supermarkets are already moving to God’s Paradise on Earth and these are not supermarkets, but restaurants and hotels and various other facilities. People don’t have to take it to the dog house and lock themselves there and have a kitchen and cook this food. This water is in these restaurants and people come there who want to drink this water and eat something and there is not only this water, but other things.

Zrzut ekranu (4949)

Everything in the restaurant is divided in an appropriate way and the dollars go from these consumers to various producers. We make it so that there is space and in this space, like in a supermarket, there are various products from manufacturers. This is taken together and unlike in the supermarket it is sold as a separate product. I connect people and I connect everything and there are shares of these producers. I will not analyze it further in this lecture, but I will only say that this water must be better than others, or there may be such an arrangement that there will not be so many restaurants and at the beginning it will somehow work with a worse product, but later there will be more restoration than in capitalism and people will choose and this is how the world will develop, currently stopped by capitalism.

Zrzut ekranu (4939)

We see that nothing changes, the same water and higher prices. This is the beginning of the fall of capitalism. This must be shown on TV and we will start changing all this together with my people whom I choose and without any democracy and without slaves and without people suffering from cancer under capitalism. No capitalist fiction. Why can I make a mistake and give someone something for free? This person is in such a house with other people and everything will drown in this pool and this person will not die of hunger as is the case in capitalism, where everyone lives in his doghouse and if he does not get food, he will die of hunger.

Zrzut ekranu (4940)

This slave in this capitalism drinks vodka on his days off from slave work and is getting closer to death. This man was born to live in this hell and to wait for death. He is supposed to be happy that he has food and this football match and this slavery is a total shock. Everyone must be idiots and they are subordinated to this system without freedom. These are not people, these are horses and dogs and other animals. Therefore, it is not surprising that this sex is similar to what a dog does. There is no humanism here, and these pigs in the UN and other organizations only think about themselves and their trough, not other people who have cancer and are waiting for death with a bottle of vodka and this is supposed to be their joy of life on Earth.


Not at a capitalist counter to count dollars and not in a toilet

I will build a system where those people from communism who wrote poetry and sang will be able to do it, but it will be judged by other people who will want to listen to it or sing it and give it their time of life in the Paradise of God. In this way, these creators of these poems will receive units of life and will be classified, they will go up in this pyramid. There will be this sport! Everyone will study! Everyone will have the job they want, not at a capitalist counter to count dollars and not in a toilet. There will be automation and there will be no need for black people in the toilet.

Zrzut ekranu (4429)

My divine system will not collapse like communism did. My system of God on Earth will be without workers and Polish boors from the countryside shown by Wyspianski and the Germans! Is this already clear to the slaves of capitalism who are dogs and lick the anus and do other dog things? Those who consume these poetry can also write poetry themselves. There are no fans in the stadium here. Here everyone takes part in this sport. Everyone can do the things they want like an athlete in the stadium. In God’s Paradise you cannot be an unnecessary idiot to clean the toilet.

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That’s why everyone will study and this almost happened in communism and communism fell because the engineer had no job. This system of mine will not fail because the engineer will create something and this is a big difference from communism, where my father said that there are as many engineers as dogs and they are unnecessary. If you don’t want my system at the moment, then everyone will remain idiots until they die and continue to be dogs and the engineer is unnecessary and he plays football or does other unnecessary things during a break from drinking vodka in this American system of waiting for idiots to die, with Trump and other idiots in the USA, at the head of this American democracy in this brothel for blacks in the hell of the USA with this devil shown by Polanski, whose pregnant wife was killed for this film!!!!

Zrzut ekranu (4700)

It will be that paradise where you are a painter, but you are constantly going up. It cannot be that an American actor who looks like an old corpse goes to this fiction and rides on the feelings of people in this fiction that made him a beautiful king and he is still beautiful and Facebook shows me him and not only him, so that I can see him he accepted that he was an old corpse! This is the tragedy of this fiction!!!!! It cannot be in my system of paradise that something terrible is accepted like a hole in an American’s pants. I am not a slave to accept everything in this American democracy, which liberated itself from English rule and turned it into a brothel in England.

Zrzut ekranu (4613)cgj

These animals took Tomek’s American trousers in Warsaw after the match at the Legia stadium, but there were no holes in them, which Arabs especially like, in this brothel in Europe. There is a hole and you don’t have to get married like in Islam and an Arab doesn’t look at your face but takes all women like a black man in the USA. Blacks and Arabs have their Arab paradise here in Europe and of course in this hell in the USA from where they came to Europe! They don’t want Allah and they don’t believe in any God! I will stop this hell and reverse the direction of change. Not only the big penises will go home, but also all those who do not know what this love is, i.e. looking for something other than what Islam has. Women free from communism are looking for this man to live in marriage, not because they are American whores from the beginning of the creation of the USA.

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Why this Jewish woman from communism gives herself to an Arab, this Arab does not want to understand, because he only understands that he is in an American brothel, i.e. he is in an Arab paradise in Europe. This Arab does not want my paradise and he does not even think that I will rise to the position of King of England and from this position to the position of King of the World and god on Earth. The Arab is so excited about this American carousel that he thinks that this circus will continue to spin like this, because England will never give me back the Crown of England, which belongs to me, because it is my mother’s crown. I am first in line for this crown. When I take power and that means NATO in Europe, everyone from this brothel will go home or to Siberia.

Zrzut ekranu (4639)

At home, in the new system, in the pyramid, Arab and black, in Africa or Siberia, they will learn this feeling coming from free people who had nothing under communism and did not take anything from anyone. All these Islamic animals that rebelled against the religion of Islam, with its guidelines from the Koran, and do not convert, will go for treatment in the cold of Siberia. I guarantee that I will cure everyone and teach them a new feeling that does not come from a brothel in the USA, or they will die in Siberia, like dogs thrown out into the cold, because they opposed Allah. After all, I am Allah and that is what they show in Islam and, as Allah, I have the right to rule the world.

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Yesterday I came back from the lake, from that cold water where you feel pleasure after being completely cooled down. I’m trying to save myself and not be an old corpse in an increasingly worse condition. I improve my physical condition by changing these temperatures and my body works, but I don’t have time to describe and analyze it. We will try to do this in a different way in Paradise. At the moment I don’t know how yet, because I’m working on another, more important project. God’s project on Earth is to give these laboratories and these poetry and generally a new life to people, instead of waiting for death, with a bottle of vodka to stop moving faster.

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End my life quickly, in this American brothel for blacks and Arabs, which is now a paradise for them and they laugh at me. They don’t want my Allah’s Paradise on Earth. They don’t drink vodka like those with small penises. They don’t transform into women like Kendall’s father, who saw all his women being fucked by black college basketball players in the US. Arabs and blacks are quietly going about fucking these deceived women in this American brothel in Europe, under the protection of NATO. These women compare it with what happened in communism, they think it is love, but an Arab or a black person does not feel anything like love. Of course,

Zrzut ekranu (4694)

I must add here that black men, with large penises, make these black children for these white Jewish women, according to this Obama plan for the development of the USA, and then leave these women with these black children, as it is shown in this Kardashian family, in this TV program where Kendall’s father no longer fits, as a woman with a penis who will not give birth to black people in the USA, she is unnecessary, she can die alone, abandoned by the women of this family, on this US TV. This is being shown to everyone in the US to follow and make the entire US black and fast. I won’t save the USA from this black holocaust if England continues to keep me locked in a grave.

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Jenner’s wife Kris kicked out this great athlete and a black man took his place, with this big black penis, as is the fashion in this brothel in the USA, shown on USA TV, where three hundred million of these slaves in the USA watch it. We can see from this program that the USA has been taken over by blacks who impregnate white women and this is one image of the USA and I don’t know what to call this French sex brothel, impressionism or cubism with this penis. The second image, from the dog slave in the USA, is this brothel for Arabs, with big penises, and it went to Europe. The brothel is expanding and wants to reach Siberia and it will, they have it like a bank with God.

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For now, it has happened in Japan, I have porn, they imitate the USA. A large black penis already covers the white ones in this brothel in the USA, and now a large penis covers the yellow ones also in Asia, with this imitation of American sex, with this large penis inserted into the mouths and other places of these Japanese women. Japan is the best, at the head of this American capitalism, like an American dog in Asia. Europe is melting, and England is waiting, in this cemetery, at my grave, and will not let me out of the grave. I can’t help people because I’m in my grave. I can’t leave when Jesus left and went to Asia because he didn’t want to drink wine anymore in this den. In the USA, all Jews drink and then read the Bible about how Jewish drunkards sold Jesus because there was no wine.

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Jesus was late for the last supper, and the drunkards had a hangover, after the previous supper, the penultimate one, where there was wine and snacks, and they were very drunk and they wrote the Jewish Bible for the USA and for black people to sing. Jews have only one job in these Jewish kennels in the USA, shown in Jewish films, they milk those cows that Harrison Fored did not want to milk. Then they go to the church of death for this work, in these black mortal clothes, with black mortal beards, and there they have black slaves of death, not only to fuck these white American Jewish women. Black slaves sing to them there, thanking this black devil, considered to be the American God, in this American paradise for Arabs and black people with big penises.

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The Jews are coming back to these dog kennels and dancing, with these black beards, in black clothes, this dance of death, in the USA, according to the music of the blacks who bred there, impregnating white Jewish women, not only to clean toilets in the USA and sing in American churches and at weddings, among those Jews dressed in black in the USA. What does Israel say about all this? The Jews can’t stand their nerves anymore and we see what is happening there. They are constantly fighting and they don’t know why they are fighting. Soon, whether anyone wants it or not, I have to get out of this grave. I will create God’s Paradise on Earth, without democracy, without dollars, without taking over these areas. I will take over all this and there will also be Siberia, for those who do not understand the concept of God’s property, where you cannot take apples from a tree without God’s permission.

Zrzut ekranu (4878)

I will take these two women additionally and I said it earlier and I don’t take it back!

Zrzut ekranu (4658)

But my ass Analy is the first in this set and I will marry her….

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and I don’t take back what I said!!!!

I wouldn’t want anyone to mix something up because I would be very angry as Allah! As Allah, I can have more women and it all depends on whether I want to have them!!!!

This is not a brothel and I do not take these women only to fuck like the Arabs and blacks in this brothel, what Europe did for them. I don’t accept American sex!


Angelina will join this collection as my friend, but I’m not going to fuck her because she already has children and they are not mine and that’s fine!!!


Just live, not just go get a bottle of vodka and wait for death

In this lecture I want to continue this topic related to the fight in the stadium and earlier it was the ring where these people fight, but they do not kill each other and sometimes there is an accident and they die. This sport is further transforming into a show where there is no fighting anymore, but there is a demonstration that someone is stronger, so there is no point in fighting him, and this way the person already wins without a fight. this man may have what is to be won. Right now there is only a doghouse and everyone has it, so there is no point in showing yourself in this sport. There are various runs and jumps in these sports and various car races, and it is still a show of strength, and then it is not just strength, but skills, and here is the ability to drive a car, etc. Then we move on to the ice shows, where not only ice skating skills, but there is something additional and it gives some picture.

Zrzut ekranu (4511)

This is what I want to introduce in my system, where there is this impact and a person goes to the stadium and observes it there, and there is also music, and there may be some other things added to it, and together it creates an image that a person can perceive with these receiving organs. , which he has. All this is developing for him in this simultaneous development of the world and it is the opposite of what is happening now. What is currently happening can be shown as a reduction in all these possibilities of human feeling. In this way, this person turns into a dog for whom the anus no longer stinks and he licks the anus.

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I can continue this entire analytical sequence, develop it and show it, but my point is for it to be understood, not to discuss it here, as the French do, on their radio “France Culture”, which now I listen while writing these various things. What is it about my system that is so similar to what a person wants? It must be a developed person to watch this figure skating on ice and to be interested in it. There is another sport for these animals transformed into idiots, but they are simply dogs. It’s like I would call a dog an idiot and that would obviously be wrong, because a dog watching this boxing is already at a high level, but of course it is not a human.

Zrzut ekranu (4583)

In other words, we can say that it is a human being, but he has not developed in these subsequent generations and has remained at the level from a thousand years ago. These analyzes show how this slave dog, locked in this dog kennel, has reduced various development opportunities and even regresses in its development. I have already shown Wałęsa who forgot the Polish language while working at the Gdańsk Shipyard and Marek Karpiński had to teach him Polish. In this way, millions of people in a given area fall back and need nothing more than food and need nothing more than what a slave dog needs and that slave dog needs its own kennel.

Zrzut ekranu (4613)c

Even people with money have such an attitude, and this is Trump, for example, but these are all Americans. These, as we see, are also French. It could even be the chancellor of the university. In France, they all lock themselves in these shacks and listen to the radio, maybe like I listen to it. It fills their lives and it’s the opposite of what I will do. I will do this figure skating and this man watches and starts to develop and starts to be a human being. This person then tries to do something new, like this person in figure skating, who jumps, makes more and more turns, different forms of these jumps, etc. In this way, I restore the development of a person.

Zrzut ekranu (4694)

This applies to all people, including those with money, because all of France and the entire USA are at level zero, i.e. at the level of a dog that needs its own kennel and nothing else. I can talk to the dog for a long time and it won’t accept my project. I have to talk to students because their brains are not yet concreted, as is the case with Trump or their rector of this French university. This rector has some information needed to be the director of this university. He no longer develops. His brain remains at the same level. This is how the building is concreted, from the foundation to its roof, and this is how the rector of the French university is concreted and he will not allow any changes. This is a concrete building and it is finished.

Zrzut ekranu (4696)

This is not what I show, in this pyramid of mine that is developing all the time, there is room, it is not concreted and finished, like the French rector or Trump, etc. What am I doing in this system of mine? The self causes this man’s development. This is the development of his brain, but also the development of all his organs. This man does not drink wine, does not watch fiction, he is in motion, constantly creating new things, like this man in this ice dance. In addition, he must be strong and flexible, etc., and he must exercise his muscles, etc. This man helps his development. I give him access to my library. He is now stopped, like all capitalism at the level of this car and the dog kennel. His entire brain and everything in his body is stopped. He doesn’t need anything except for him to be able to get into that car and hold those steering wheels.

Zrzut ekranu (4613)cgjhjgjo

This man is a cripple limited to a few things. Its other elements do not develop, they disappear and it does not need anything and so capitalism produces nothing more. This is a shortcut in these analyses. I can expand on this topic with my students, but that’s not the point. I wrote these lecture proposals to Poles and someone writes to me here that he is asking me to change these Polish death camps to German death camps in Poland. This is all that Poland, filled with slave dogs, under the care of a party of Polish thieves, has to say to me, after what I wrote about wanting to give people God’s Paradise on Earth. To sum up this lecture, I showed how man has replaced what he wants to do.

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This is the fight, this is showing yourself that you are better than others and thus rising above others without a fight. A person shows something to take something from other people, for example. This is, in my system, this living space. It is done to take away people’s units of life. It can be interpreted differently that this person shows that he is better than others, he can win without fighting, etc. Just like in sports, this confrontation takes place in this stadium, in this race, people win. This is what I use. People build different spaces and where it is consumed by a larger group of people, the creators of it win. It doesn’t have to be food. It may even be a film that teaches something.

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This film does not teach killing, as is the case in the current system, because in God’s Paradise on Earth there is no fighting and there is no killing of others, because there is no private property. What can be taken from other people is the life that is taken from them by God. It is life given to those who created something for others and gave their lives in this creation. There is such a balance of this life lost and the life given by other people in this space who are afterwards. In order for this balance to be positive, this creator must constantly improve and train at the gym, he must develop. It must develop his skills, develop his brain, etc.

Zrzut ekranu (4640)

This is how we leave the fighting system and the slave dog system to a system for people whose brains are developing. We are leaving capitalism, which is a system that turns people into animals, and even Islam is rebelling here, because this Arab is moving from their system of Islam into something worse. This is no longer an Arab. This is a dog, which means he is below the Arab. That’s why Islam protests. The French call this protest terrorism. France gives people the freedom to move from a human position to a dog position. Then it goes lower, to the bottom of this hell in France, because this dog not only licks the anus like a normal dog, but also makes further modifications that even degrade the dog.

Zrzut ekranu (4641)

This creates something below the level of the dog and I call it an idiot to emphasize the depth of this transformation. This system of mine gives these people at least two options. Reclaiming lost life from other people and showing yourself that you are better than others. I classify people. This classification is what this man has on his record. This is taken away from other people who liked this creation. They entered this living space and were there for some time because they couldn’t tear themselves away from the way I, for example, looked at my ass, Analy, and that was for some time. During this time, I surrender my life in this space. I could do something else, but I like it.

Zrzut ekranu (4638)

This is how it is in my God System for people on Earth. You can do something so that I am writing this and at the same time I am listening to this French radio. This way I improve my brain and do something else that gives me some pleasure. It is possible that this is necessary for some feeling of joy that allows this man to continue doing something, to create something, to simply live, and not just go for a bottle of vodka and wait for death, in some detachment from the capitalism that threw this man out. He is mentally broken and he has to enter into some fiction that gives him some pleasure and he lives this way. This lecture is intended to show the error of this system where a person lives to build his own kennel and be a dog.

Zrzut ekranu (4639)

Everything he has is the same as what everyone else has and that’s a car in short. Human needs have been replaced by sports and other fiction. There are signals of human needs. This is sport and this is showing how we can contribute to the development of the world. We can get out of the system that we currently have and which stops at the dog kennel and the car. Human development, in my system, will cause that person to live longer and not only will his brain and his whole body be more developed, etc. This is the opposite of what is happening now, where there is destruction and regression and death. The current system in this way is a system of death.


The freedom that gives transformation into a dog

I am continuing the previous lecture about the French Pig, which is anti-racist, i.e. it is in a stinking pigsty, and in this pigsty the anus does not stink and is licked, and this is called the next stage in this French love, where the woman’s organ was touched with the mouth. All this was in an era when man was not yet a slave dog. The French Revolution led to the transformation of man into a slave and it is already a dog and in this way man ceased to be a man and his feelings were transformed into the feelings of a dog who does not know anything human like love

Zrzut ekranu (4769)

and this is how a French brothel for Arabs and black Arabs was created and this it is against the religion of Islam, where Arabs may still have some human feelings, but there is no love there either. What is this love born from? This is shown in these films, about the times of knights, where there is honor and some human principles and there is such a thing as the honor and value of this man and this open fight, not the fight of the Home Army in Poland, which was the army that attacked the Germans from hiding and the Germans called Poles Polish pigs. Kaczyński’s parents were in this army, and Kaczyński introduced a brothel for Arabs and blacks in Poland, because this is the stage in the development of the son of Polish pigs.

Zrzut ekranu (4771)

But that’s not what this lecture about France, which fell to the bottom of hell, after the French Revolution. These people with their psyche are no longer people. I see it in their films. A dog licks everything because it has no hands and is a slave to humans, and a dog can even lick a person’s anus. The French pig accepts this anti-racism and everything else and this is the freedom that gives transformation into a dog and this dog has no honor and France has no honor. I will also give a man freedom, but it will be something different than what the French pig means by the concept of freedom. A man is not a man in this capitalism and in this anti-racism, he is a slave, he is a dog.

Zrzut ekranu (4765)

It is easy for a dog to introduce these further solutions in French love and this is the macabre of anal licking and other similar things that you can see on porn with French pigs and I can even give you the address. The degeneration of France. The French have everything gone wrong in this French head, which is the head of the French idiot in his development without God. The development of this so-called French love has passed from man to his transformation into a dog and this dog is now licking the anus and doing other things that a man does not do unless he is a French degenerate idiot.

Zrzut ekranu (4764)

French culture that is looking for something and I’m listening to the radio “France Culture” now and it’s something that’s lost and this French idiot is discussing and looking for something and can’t find it and that’s what the existence of this radio in this freedom is all about, where you can look for something like a French idiot and you won’t find this in capitalism, which is a slave dog system, but this idiot doesn’t understand that he is in a sick place called France. The dog is locked in his kennel with a painting of Impressionism or some other history of exploration and has no interest in anything outside in the French hell. He lives in impressionistic fiction. A dog who is the rector of some French dog university doesn’t give his email address on the Internet because he wants to be left alone and doesn’t want to know anything, and Islam comes and gives him a bomb.

Zrzut ekranu (4768)

There’s a brothel all over France, run by this French pig who doesn’t care about anything except French food and the wine produced by Angelina Jolie. Suddenly this French slave dog, locked in his French doghouse, is awakened by Islam and this French pig calls terrorism. Someone stopped this dog from doing anything with this wine. What is Islam supposed to do? Islam has to accept this French brothel that the French pig has made for Islam, for Arabs and for black Arabs with big penises. These big penises are destroying the little vaginas of these white women and not only white women and this is to be accepted by God.

Zrzut ekranu (4766)

France does not believe in God. A dog and a French pig do not know God, because they are not human. There used to be Templars there, but now they are just pigs. All of France filled with pigs. I wanted to find an address on the Internet and show French students what a French pigsty is and why there are Islamic terrorists and what Islam wants from France. I do not intend to maintain what is in the Koran and I do not intend to maintain this culture of women covered in rags and this fucking of women without love. There is no feeling of love in these people coming from Islam, but it will be in the new system of Allah and I am Allah for Islam.

Zrzut ekranu (4773)

This will all change, but at this moment, when capitalism has turned people into slaves, this slave has no way out, just like a horse has no way out. This slave is not a human under capitalism. For the rest of his life, this man in France will not be a man, because this French Revolution reduced man to the level of an animal. For this animal, a dog is a member of the family, this dog is currently fucking Russian women. At the moment, the Christian religion does not fit into the system and is no longer able to control what is happening in this French brothel for Arabs and blacks, combined with this anti-racism, i.e. the total liberation of this garbage. These animals from France go to Asia.

Zrzut ekranu (4772)

I met them in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and these idiots who don’t understand that they are no longer people want to spread the French culture of the dog that is already fucking the whole of Russia to the former USSR, or maybe they are looking for some escape from hell in France. Right now, this religion of Muhammed Ali is what is going to stop what is happening. This animal is to be tamed by Islam and the Koran, because there is no other religion for animals and I have already signaled this earlier, but now I want to show it, because on this French dog radio they show that someone is racist and it is for the French rubbish, in this French rubbish bin, something bad.

Zrzut ekranu (4770)

A French pig locked up, like a French university rector in a wine cellar with Angelina’s wine, like a French dog who has his kennel and is not interested in anything because he has won a place at the university, like a dog found its owner, or like a pig in her trough with French food. Does such a dog have any human feelings like the love shown by Shakespeare. Of course not. A dog has no such feelings and a dog that is also a French pig with French food known throughout the world can no longer be anything other than a pig or a dog.

Zrzut ekranu (4767)

This is not a human and this pig will then be at some trough in the EU and it no longer needs the church, because Notre Dame can be burned and it will no longer stop what is happening, because it has already crossed all the boundaries of humanism, and the Catholic religion is a religion for a man who was supposed to be a man and the German Order and the Templars fought against Islam, which was a religion for animals that do not feel anything like England or Spain show in their literature. Of course, in this human love there may be touching organs with the mouth and I don’t go into that anymore, but if it goes towards becoming equal with a dog and a person ceases to be a human and does not react to what is happening around him like a dog sitting in a his kennel.

Zrzut ekranu (4780)

It could be the president of a French university or another French pig at the trough. Then there is no further development of the world and there is a descent to the bottom of hell. The French pig doesn’t want my project. This world is all concrete and this dog’s brain has only concrete, because it accepts everything that is around it and accepts it and accepts falling to the bottom. This dog doesn’t want anything more. Just eating and licking that anus. The US wants to occupy Greenland. This will further lead to the occupation of everything around the world and the destruction of the Earth’s atmosphere, the destruction of the Earth.

Zrzut ekranu (4778)

This has to be stopped and I will stop it, but I have to stop it with young people, because the French pig drinks Angelina Jolie’s wine and it will be enough for her to die. This pig doesn’t care that Islam will kill some of those slaves in France again and they may even be children sometimes. What solution do I have for a man who has gone to the dogs? I free people in my system of God and I do not reform capitalism as Lenin did. I am creating a completely new system where a person does not have to be an animal and is born and is still a person and his brain develops and does not remain the brain of an idiot, as is the case in France, with this French dog and with this French pig with this French food. .

Zrzut ekranu (4779)

We have two French things and this is the French love that is characteristic of the dog and then we have French dishes and this is characteristic of the pig and so France from this country that was in the period of kings has gone down to the positions of the dog and the pig. What France is doing at the moment leads to further attacks by terrorists, if there are still those who, like kamikazes, agree to die in these attacks. However, France shows this brothel in this anti-racism and gives all Arabs the opportunity to this brothel against Islam, which Poland starts from Białystok.

Zrzut ekranu (4774)

I don’t know how far Poland has come in this development of this French brothel, where there is no love and thus we are moving towards the transformation of man into an animal and Islam appears, which wants to take over this in France by attacking and killing French people. If France is a country of dogs and pigs, then Islam thinks it will find a place there and Islam is trying to do so with these terrorist attacks. Terrorism in France is to lead to the transfer of the religion of Muhammed Ali to these French animals and the return of the Frenchman first to the form of an Arab and then, of course, Islam has no intention of turning this Arab into a human being.

Zrzut ekranu (4776)

The next stage is what the people from the Crusades wanted, but those were the times of knights and I want to bring it back in the form of this sport at the stadium. The French pig talks about this terrorism and is against this terrorism, but does not explain why these terrorist attacks occur. I’m explaining it here, in this lecture today. Students are still people because they are not slaves, which they will be after taking up slave work, because that is the only work under capitalism. A man must be another man’s slave dog. I can’t show all this to my students during lectures and warn them against transforming into a French dog, because I can’t even send my lecture proposal.

Zrzut ekranu (4777)

The French pigs have come to the trough at the university and are protecting this system. In France, the only important thing is the face and it’s French food, and a pig who is the rector of a French university won’t show his email address. The French pig is at the trough and is busy with this French food and doesn’t care about anything in this hell all around in France. The pig doesn’t care about the fact that if I don’t start changing the system in France, Islam will maybe kill some people again, as it already happened in these attacks on Islam. Finishing this lecture, I restore, in my system, this honor of man.

Zrzut ekranu (4775)

This is what you see from these athletes in the stadiums, but this is of course fiction, because running and jumping does not produce anything and a person is not killed there in the boxing ring, as was the case in knight fights. I restore man’s honor. I transform the dog man into a normal man created by God and restore faith in God in France. Nothing transforms this man into a dog, because there is no fight and there is no dog kennel and there is no slavery that turns a man into an animal. Communism was an attempt at change, the idea was that no one would be thrown out of the system. By the way, there was an attempt to remove private property.

Zrzut ekranu (4781)

People had almost no private property and did not fight among themselves and this resulted in the restoration of human feelings, but these were only tests of what I would do. There was no such thing as sports, which is going above and beyond others by doing something better than others, and this is similar to those fighting knights. In my system, it’s about doing something better in the form of this living space. It can be compared to someone creating a song. People rate this song higher than others. this is how development takes place in this field and this is how the world in my system will develop.

Zrzut ekranu (4782)

At the moment it is a film, for example, and the development of a film, but it is something bad and you get cancer, like Angelina and other actors. The film is fiction and this fiction replaces what man lacks and it is against God. There is another fiction against God and that is putting the penis into a woman’s mouth or into a woman’s anus. There is more of it and it goes against the rules set by God and you get cancer. France is against God with this brothel and with what happened after the revolution.

Zrzut ekranu (4783)

It was acceptable to God then, but it is not acceptable to God now. The God for these dogs and pigs in France is me. I will transform these animals into human forms, giving them the system of God’s Paradise on Earth. The Catholic religion will not stop anything, but with my religion I will stop everything that is happening and I will give development to man against the background of the development of the world that this man will build. In this way, the Koran and the Bible are ready to be burned.


There will be the Kingdom of God without anti-racism and without this brothel

I sent this text of mine, which you can see at the end of this next lecture for idiots who don’t understand anything of what I do, to all Polish universities. But of course it can be easily blocked by the secret services, so I took further actions to obtain information in churches. This may also be blocked by church services. I took the next steps in this direction of reaching out to students and taking these students to the streets and starting a revolution in Poland and around the world. I sent this text to all members of the Polish parliament, i.e. the Sejm and the Senate, and there are about five hundred people. It will no longer be General Jaruzelski’s theater with hungry dogs taken from the street.

Zrzut ekranu (4744)

If this is not enough information to start this in Poland, I have sent this letter to all members of the European Union Parliament. These pigs in this parliament all have smiling faces. These pig snouts are smiling not because they have done something good for Europe. These are pigs who have reached the trough and are so happy that these bastards can sit quietly in restaurants and drink vodka because they have time for it and don’t have to do anything. I don’t know why such a pig lives if he has nothing to do in this parliament.

Zrzut ekranu (4755)

These pigs are doing well and that’s what’s most important to them. These pigs come from various regions of Europe, but most of these pigs come from Poland. With this Polish connection, these revolutions can be easily made throughout Europe. Of course, I will take over NATO at this point, because NATO will come under God’s protection and I am God. I am doing all this on Earth and it is not finished, because you have to do this project first and then there has to be one King on Earth.

Zrzut ekranu (4763)

All this may not be enough, so I sent this letter to Polish radio and television stations and they already have a very good topic, because some of these radio stations are already in the phase of collapse and this topic can be raised by the whole of Poland and the whole of Europe, which will follow Poland after Polish presentations on this topic in the European Union. All this can be easily blocked, so I have very important information for these people.

Zrzut ekranu (4759)

If these people do not do anything to help people in Poland and around the world, I will do it myself as the King of the World, then all these people will be sent, together with their families and their relatives, to Siberia, there will be several million Poles to aid to the Grand Prince of Siberia. After what I did, Google blocked my Chromebook account, and this isn’t the first time. Also, my Blogger account was blocked and I opened a new one. I opened a new chromebook account and it took up some of my precious time.

Zrzut ekranu (4762)

Fuck your mother!!!! I don’t have time to constantly open new accounts on the Internet because you don’t like the fact that I write here and to help people who are disabled, who are thrown out on the streets and have no job and billions of people around the world for various reasons produced by capitalism, which can be rejected as a system dangerous to humans, because it is a fighting system of people transformed into dogs.

Zrzut ekranu (4754)

I cannot help people from Mexico who were looking for work in the US and Trump put a wall on the border. Polish and other American pigs and dogs, scared by the USA and afraid of everything, I speak to you as your God. You will be responsible for what is happening in the world, in this system, which is a system of death. Don’t you understand what the death system is?

Zrzut ekranu (4760)

I see these smug pig snouts in the European Union. I will explain it to you, maybe in a few words. This system throws people out of its boxing ring. Everyone without the strength to fight and those who are sick are thrown out by this system. The sick person cannot fight, which means he cannot take the ball on this pitch of capitalism. I’ll say it quickly and this may not reach the idiot, but let the idiot read several dozen of my texts at the address shown below, if it hasn’t already been blocked.

Zrzut ekranu (4761)

This system of a dog having its own kennel is not a humanistic system and is not a human system. I don’t understand what a person learns at a humanities faculty if there are no people here. There are dogs and pigs. Who is Trump? This is a dog. You don’t have to go to him and ask him if the dog will let Jesus out of the grave if you want to be a human being and still have some human dignity. What I am doing? What is this God system project of mine? This is changing the current system from a dog system to a human system.

Zrzut ekranu (4756)

The man who is currently a dog and a Polish pig or another pig at the trough will return to the form that was created by God when he was born on Earth. Returning to humanity will make man safe because there will be no fighting. Someone is born and then stops being a human being because he has to be a dog. This is against God and here you cannot read the Bible and accept this dog’s life on Earth. It is possible that in my new system a person will be able to live forever or a very long time. This man will not be killed and his spirit may be able to pass into other bodies.

Zrzut ekranu (4757)

Maybe there will be a situation where he won’t make it, because there may be some accidents outside this pyramid if I don’t manage to do all this, safe for humans, outside this new city that I call the pyramid. I have already explained how I eliminate human struggle. Generally, it means that a person has nothing of his own, and what he takes from the library cannot be taken away and does not have to be taken away, because the library will have enough of these things for those who need them.

Zrzut ekranu (4758)

This is something similar to what God does and there are women and there are men and there is some balance here. People come together and a new person is created. The space of a factory is similar and a new thing is created when a person and a tool are combined. People don’t buy anything. People consume these things and at that moment the units of their life’s value go from their account to the account of the person who produced these things.

Zrzut ekranu (4776)

This is a long explanation and I’m not going to repeat it here. The current city is built with collisions and it is in one level generally and there are attempts to go up and go underground and there is a huge mess and huge difficulties in handling this current hell. I showed a sketch of this new city and I do not intend to give details here, because for this I need the entire design office and it is not just one day to show all these details in the project. I need God’s tools and these are people.

Zrzut ekranu (4781)

I won’t conjure it up like in fiction on film. I need help from Europe and then the whole world. I will do this project with a group of designers. Then it will be built the same way all over the world, because it will function like Windows, i.e. the same program. There will be automation and people will have special signals and receivers, and it will function identically all over the world. What will make all these cities different will be the people and their needs, and all these living spaces will be adapted to the needs of people from a given region.

Zrzut ekranu (4782)

There cannot be anti-racism and combine all pigs in one pig brothel. It cannot be that the Germans took slaves and these slaves breed and the Germans feed them here and give them these dog kennels to live in. These are people and these people in my system of God will have different human needs and these needs will constantly change and this person will constantly improve and his brain will not stop at the level of a dog or a Polish or other pig, as it happened and is currently in the system of capitalism. The most important solution in my system is the lack of ownership, or in other words the lack of dollars, because this property is exchanged for dollars.

Zrzut ekranu (4783)

A person always has something in his hands and has to carry a suitcase with him like a horse, i.e. a slave, as I mentioned in lectures earlier. This can take a long time to explain and requires several hours of lectures. I am eliminating this most important element of the game of capitalism. In this new system of mine, man is in God’s Paradise, not in capitalism and not in communism. Units of life are taken from a person’s account, in the Bank of God. These living units are transferred to the account of the person who created the living space in which the consumer is located. It could be food, or it could be something else. It could be music.

Zrzut ekranu (4764)

This is how production and consumption take place in this new system. Production is not less than consumption and vice versa. Everything is balanced in my system and I have demonstrated this probably a hundred times. I don’t have time to repeat this. There is no detention here for this man like Trump, for example. He holds these dollars and he doesn’t want to enter this new space because it doesn’t exist in capitalism and that’s another thing.

Zrzut ekranu (4765)

In this way, he stops living and he has to have fiction and vodka, and under capitalism it seems to them that they are living some kind of life in this fiction. This man is sitting in an armchair, like Wałęsa, drinking vodka and he is in a space similar to the one in the stadium, with this ball, so he is in fiction and lives fiction and nothing new is being created except Angelina’s film and for this Angelina is getting cancer from God. I don’t have time and this is how I summed it up in a few words. I understand that this is not enough for an idiot.

Zrzut ekranu (4771)

I now need people with whom I will build it all, and not only Poles in Siberia, but other people around the world. We cannot block it and wait for the atomic bomb. The pig is at the trough and shows his drunken satisfied face at the European Union. Now I’m listening to French radio and it’s “France info” and they’re talking about these Islamic terrorists as they call them. What are you, French pig, you want to live in peace, in this brothel for Arabs and blacks that you created in France.

Zrzut ekranu (4769)

I can’t even send my proposed lectures to your universities, because the French pig blocked everything in this brothel and wants to drink the wine in peace, which is what Angelina is doing, and let someone else in France sort things out. What kind of brothel is this? You could say that in French about what’s going on there. I will arrange this in France. There will be a France without anti-racism and without this brothel that the French talk about. I am posting this text here in English and it is for your universities, but they can show it in churches and it is for your parliament. This is also for this and other French radio and television.

Zrzut ekranu (4755)

Good morning

Ladies and gentlemen

I would like to give some lectures to students of your university for free. I would like to present my project. People graduate from universities and have no job in this system, because people don’t need anything except food and a car, in short. My company LBD ltd will create a system that I call God’s Paradise on Earth. There will be a lot of work in this system, because people will live and that means they will want much more than a car. Man will enjoy life on Earth and will not wait for death, being a slave to work that he does not want and this work only gives him food. I would like to show people a different future than what awaits them now after graduation. I will give them everything a man can dream of. The end of this world that I call the world of death. The texts for my lectures will be selected from those written on the Internet and you can read them here….


This is a topic for people who have nothing, i.e. students. This topic is also important for teachers of students who can be prepared for the new system.

Zrzut ekranu (4750)

Best regards

Wiesław Edward Łoboda